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Saturday, December 22, 2007
About How Much ?
Nowadays it is so easy to create a site in Internet that anyone with the minimum of knowledge and tools can do his own, sure and to leave it in the forgetfulness so that virtual.Pues comprises of the immense cemetery well the magical number is 135 million!, according to Netcraft that is the number of hostnames registrados(lo that is equivalent to equal number of pages). The people in charge to a great extent of this extreme growth are the blogueros and the sites of social networks like Windows Live Spaces, Mysapce that every day add new to cyberspace thousands and thousands of páginas.Con this explosion have been affected the traditional servants that until recently they controlled almost 80% of the lodgings, as it is the case of Apache, that it has seen decrease his gains due to the migration of Blogger to the servants of Google. However, still he maintains 50 % of the pie and Google and Microsoft distribute 35% and 5% respectively, although little by little they are used excessive respect distancias…
By:Just From Three G
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11:12 PM
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1 comment:
the world might end 2012 but it could end any day includin today
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